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West Meets East by Peter Gill

Review by Lilian Kranenburg (first published on Vereniging Nederland-China site) In this book Peter Gill compares six different societies. Three European and three Asian countries with Mandarin-speaking populations are mirrored based on their size, regional influence, technological prowess, energy use and food production rankings, GDP, including a smattering of sporting achievements and cultural preferences. In […]

The Avoidable War by Kevin Rudd

The dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping’s ChinaRecensie door Lilian Kranenburg Met de toegenomen spanningen tussen China en Amerika in het afgelopen jaar, waarin het bezoek van Nancy Pelosi – de binnenkort aftredende Spreker van het Amerikaanse Huis van Afgevaardigden – eerder dit jaar aan Taiwan de gemoederen in Beijing […]

Invisible China

Recensie door Lilian Kranenburg Invisible China door Scott Rozelle en Natalie Hell is een buitengewoon belangrijk boek voor iedereen die zich buigt over China’s uitdagingen. Een onderwerp waar eigenlijk te weinig aandacht voor lijkt te bestaan: het ondermaatse onderwijsniveau op het Chinese platteland en de daaruit voortvloeiende sociale en economische problemen. Hier kunnen uiteindelijk ook […]

Frank Dikotter happy with review by Lilian Kranenburg

“Dear Lilian, Thank you so much for coming along and writing a terrific review! It is superb, I am very grateful.   All best wishes,   Frank” Review written following professor Frank Dikotter’s lecture in Amsterdam on 10 September 2013 re “The Tragedy of Liberation.’ For complete review please with to this link.

Review of Lecture, Frank Dikotter: The Tragedy of Liberation

Yesterday evening one could hear pins drop.  Speaking in front of a packed house in Amsterdam was Professor Frank Dikötter. His latest book “The Tragedy of Liberation, a History of the Chinese Revolution 1945-57“ depicts the atrocities deliberately inflicted on the Chinese people by the Chinese Communist Party well before 1949 and following the fleeing […]

ChinaMoves review: Midnight in Peking by Paul French

Midnight in Peking- The murder that haunted the last days of old China* A friend in China recommended this book and it was spot on.  It is the true story of a British teenage girl growing up in Beijing in the thirties of the previous century.  She was brutally murdered. Pamela Werner was the daughter of […]